50 Things From The 90's! It Will Blow Your Mind!

Buzzfeed made a great list of 50 things from the 90's that will make you go OH SH*T!!!  

It's a fun list and I will name a few here: 

1.  Bootleg Simpsons T-shirts that you'd see in every souvenir shop

2. SNL's "Coffee Talk with Linda Richman" 

3. Barbie's short-lived career as a rap star (which I don't remember but I do remember Barbie and the Rockers hehe) 

4. Susan Powter's "Stop the Insanity!" informercial

5. Suzanne Somers' Thighmaster

6.  Parker Lewis Can't Lose, which you never realized was basically a TV version of Ferris Bueller's Day Off

7. The Urkel Dance

8. Pop Secret popcorn that came in florescent colors and you swore tasted like different flavors
( another one I don't remember and I love popcorn) 

9. The big reusable plastic water bottles with the thick-ass straw that gave everything a plasticky flavor.  (OH MY GOD. I had so many of these!)

10. Gerardo and his song, "Rico Suave". ( LOVE that song!) 

It's a fun list, and you can check out the FULL list HERE!



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